Nappturality has been online since 2002. Dedicated to all the women in the diaspora who proudly wear their highly textured hair naturally. Nappturality.com is the place to find photographs,, forums, information and links about the care, maintenance and politics of natural hair. Natural napptural hair. Here you will find photos of all natural styles, comb coils, two-strand twists, afro puffs, afros dredlocks (dreadlocks), locs and many other natural styles. Styled by natural napptural haired women on their own hair.
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What have you learned in your different lock journeys that could help someone else?This summer I hit 7 yrs Sisterlocked. I was 6 yrs Braid-locked.I've learned alot. But here are some highlights:Chill on the food products in your hair (ie. honey is ok but when combined with other products, honey can create a breeding ground for 'stuff and kill your
What have you learned in your different lock journeys that could help someone else?This summer I hit 7 yrs Sisterlocked. Previously, as many on this site know, I was 6 yrs Braid-locked (06-13).I've learned alot. But here are some highlights:Chill on the food products in your hair (ie. honey is ok but when combined with other products, honey can cre
HelloMy name is Christee, I have been natural for 6 years now. Along the way I have learned a lot about my natural hair and how to take care of it as well as how to help others either their natural hair. I am also a business major and starting my own hair care business. Hope to hear from youMuch LoveView on the ForumOriginal author: Ornestac
HelloMy name is Christee, I have been natural for 6 years now. Along the way I have learned a lot about my natural hair and how to take care of it as well as how to help others either their natural hair. I am also a business major and starting my own hair care business. Hope to hear from youMuch LoveView on the ForumOriginal author: Ornestac
Let us know. Drop names and prayers for cover, comfort and healing in this thread.View on the ForumOriginal author: Napia Mia
Hey y'all I wanted to know if anyone else is struggling with product build up on their low porosity hair? I think in addition to having this constant itching (due to product build up), I also have a sensitive scalp. Right now I have my hair in single chunky natural braids but my scalp feels like it's on fire with the dry air, sun exposure, and poss
A couple of times a year, this subject come around. Like a comet, it blasts through natural hair groups, discussion forums and social media. Is the word "nappy" good or bad? Should we use it or not? 20+ years ago it was unheard of to call yourself nappy. The word was that bad a connotation for hair. Also, 20 years ago it was rare to see a Bla...
Hey. Nice to meet you! I just joined the forum so there are so many things I don't know yet, I hope to have the help of the boards, and I really want to get to know you all on the forum.View on the ForumOriginal author: Gammklo
Hey. Nice to meet you! I just joined the forum so there are so many things I don't know yet, I hope to have the help of the boards, and I really want to get to know you all on the forum.View on the ForumOriginal author: Gammklo
A new study conducted by Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, a management professor and a senior associate dean who conducted the research at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business, has been released with not-so-shocking findings: Black women with natural afro hair are less likely to be offered job interviews. This study detected bias against Black women ...