Nappturality has been online since 2002. Dedicated to all the women in the diaspora who proudly wear their highly textured hair naturally. Nappturality.com is the place to find photographs,, forums, information and links about the care, maintenance and politics of natural hair. Natural napptural hair. Here you will find photos of all natural styles, comb coils, two-strand twists, afro puffs, afros dredlocks (dreadlocks), locs and many other natural styles. Styled by natural napptural haired women on their own hair.


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help with dry, thick, nappy hair!!

hello!! im 13 and have thick hair up to about my shoulders on the front of my hair and to my armpits in the back. my mom always had me go to the hairdresser when i was 9-12 and in january of this year i got a perm. right now my hair is thick, dry, the roots and back of my hair are very fizzy, thick, and nappy. and the roots all around my hair stand up as if its in a ponytail. but the front of my hair is straight. i never learned how to properly do and take care of my hair at all. the products my mom makes me use makes my hair the exact same as it was before the next day, even when i wash my hair it still looks bad. and also my hair hasnt grown for years and recently ive been very sad about my hair and i got bullied a bit cause my hair looked like a ‘birds nest’ also my hair is naturally straight, ive never seen it curly but after the perm i got the roots got curly?

thanks if you can help me!!

Original author: gabby3386
Headwraps and bonnets
Cold water rinse

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Your Natural Hair is NOT a Fad

Wearing natural hair is not a fad. It is not a fashion trend. It's the natural hair you were born with. So why can't you wear it?
Don't believe the negative hype..

Nyree' Allen Heila Da She Serumula 2 Sophonie Bien Aime Emmanuelle Key Dickerson2 Latanya Coverson Diamond Mull Lekeytha Dukes Shaw KaRen JackSon Andrea Cantrell Candace Montgomery Denise Billings Marilyn E Lowe Adey's Natural Hair Tips Jaunene Jones Frankie Monroe KaRen JackSon Sonjia Murphy Iman Whitmore 2 Curley N Cynthia Simpson Princess First'Lady Briggs Monica Evans Hairbyjuanibless4 Tracy Gary LaCharla Figgs Selena So Blessed Mckibben Monica Evans4 Tammie Braggs Alnita Reaves Vaught Regina Ellis Livingston Gloria Obruche 2 Jay Roge Tamara Hinkle Moore Leslie Blakely Notm Pressed Jacqueline Parker Da OC LaShawn Adaleia Coultman Kathy Terrell 4 Kathy Terrell 2 Debra Chatman Tammy Mariano Linda Brown Campbell Notm Pressed3 Sarah Moore 2 Jillijoy Holloway2 Kayla Bush Antoinette Jeaninne Rhonda Littles Bokua Adwoa Bray J LaKayle Jones Mary Wells Urecha Dunn Monica Evans3 Gloria Obruche 1 Sheila Da She Serumula KaRen Talishia Robins Trina Smith 3 Kaynisha Renee Martin Gilly Dee Princess First'Lady Briggs2 Melinda IzsoDivine Monica Evans2 Gema Ebanks Jay Roge4 Bokua Adwoa Bray 2 Jennifer Bass Mary Wells Adaleia Coultman4 Daphanie Brooks KaTina Smith Walker3 Kim Lewis Lysa Davis Bryanna Knight Naiesha Howell Raven Nacole Madison Vicky Hightower Jagged Edge Kaleta Battle Jariel Deanna1 Leslie Blakely6 Queena Beenblessed Williams2 Leslie Blakely2 Karmen B. Jones Angela Watkins Raticka Scruggs Maya Mj James2 Michele Washington Tiara Shinae Chara Harris Lisa Amos Wilson Betty Alexander McGriff Leslie Blakely5 Jay Roge6 Raticka Scruggs2 Amanda Flowers Peterson MrsNohaterallowed Taylor Monique Colon2 Solange Campos 1 Ashley Erica Holmes Hale Eiimariiee Rosee Lynn Ann Brown Lauren Foster Walls Leslie Blakely9 Saundrea Arila Mendez Irena Shipley Michelle Hudson Adaleia Coultman3 Tiffany Smith Hairbyjuanibless2 Kennedra Tucker Adaleia Coultman2 Carolyn Parker Princess First'Lady Briggs3 KaTina Smith Walker2 Angie Knight Trina Smith 2 Sonya Makeba EJ Thompson Natanya Jones3 Richeau Breland Jagged Edge2 Destiny Hawkins Jagged Edge3 Brandi Murphy Angela Watkins2 Abigail Boyce Star Bullard Tammie Elkerson Mcgill Cheryl Freemon Watts2 Bella Negra1 Essie Dodson Andrea Cantrell 3 Akeisha Andrea Cantrell 2 Tonyelle Bennett Shalari Drakes Heeyy Jessie2 Juanita Simmons Solange Campos Sheila Da She Serumula2 Sylvia Randi Carroll Talishia Robins2 Yasmeen Cookngd Ali Brown Nikki Poole 2 Jariel Deanna2 Melody Dark Raticka Scruggs Adrienne Lifeisgolden Skinner2 Msincognito Shades Cynthiakim2 J LaKayle Jones3 Mysteek NaturalHair Courtney Davis Marenda Eison Angela Watkins3 KaTina Smith Walker Sasha Stoute2 Lorraine Gray Sheila Da She Serumula3 Nikki Poole HairbyJuanibless Leslie Blakely3 Keia Parker Leslie Blakely8 Daniella Cardoza2 Shekera Combs Chelsea Patterson Sanders Dominique Truthfairy Williams Watt Hairbyjuanibless5 Frankie Monroe 1 Cheryl Freemon Watts Trina Smith Gilly Dee MrsNohaterallowed Taylor2 Jay Roge3 Jariel Deanna Toma Thornhill Emmanuelle Key Dickerson Jazmine J. Boss Cynthiakim1 Sasha Stoute Nicki Wade ShaRon Hicks2 Chenay N. Bryant Samantha Jordan Katrina Stallworth Jariel Deanna3 Heeyy Jessie Jillijoy Holloway3 Adrienne Lifeisgolden Skinner Shannon Bell Sheila Da She Serumula Vanessa Agee Jillijoy Holloway Lakishia Brown Khady Didi Sow Frankie Monroe 2 Sharea Twymon Summers Monique Colon Daniella Cardoza KaRen JackSon2 Mysteek NaturalHair2 Ayesha La Vonia Boyd Leslie Blakely7 Urecha Dunn2 Hairbyjuanibless3 Jewel Grant Bella Zambezie Nadia Newton Natanya Jones Angie Knight2 LaJoia Hamilton Chasity Williams Troya Sowell Adrienne Lifeisgolden Skinner3 Maya Mj James Leah Prater Sarah Moore Shadi Shukuma Maepa Iman Whitmore Queena Beenblessed Williams Kathy Terrell 3 Kimberly Montague Kenita Mitchell Kathy Terrell Princess First'Lady Briggs4 Nikki Poole J LaKayle Jones2 Monique Wilson Leslie Blakely4 Natanya Jones2 Monique Colon Miz Jones Ednasia Green Divinity Starr