Nappturality has been online since 2002. Dedicated to all the women in the diaspora who proudly wear their highly textured hair naturally. Nappturality.com is the place to find photographs,, forums, information and links about the care, maintenance and politics of natural hair. Natural napptural hair. Here you will find photos of all natural styles, comb coils, two-strand twists, afro puffs, afros dredlocks (dreadlocks), locs and many other natural styles. Styled by natural napptural haired women on their own hair.
Processes & Patience - The Journey: User Results WILL vary
Fortunately for me, I got to hang out with a few fellow nappturals (LilShortRib, LBoogie, AfroGoddess, Akademics, Beaka) and our aspiring napptural Juellz (I probably spelled hers wrong, LOL). We shared hair stories about making the decision to go natural and/or loc in our efforts to coerce our aspiring nappy over the edge to a life of no more LYE.
Then this morning, the first thread I read was about the sister who was unhappy with her new sisterlocs that she just had installed and it got me to thinking about the journey into locdom and all that it really entails.
When people see my hair NOW, I get complimented and you'd think that it was always this way for me.....but it really wasn't!! I used to get the stares and the whispers and the comments <---very different from comPLIMENTS, lol! But the point is that my hair has a backstory... and without that backstory, I wouldn't have my little babies that I am quite fond of.
I remember when LilShortRib started her locs.... I was so displeased that she choose latching (no offense latchers but I just don't get it, lol). Now she did this because another napptural with drool worthy locs was doing this and as is human, I suppose she thought that she'd end up with the same "look". That was NOT the case. That was just one of the many lessons that I learned throughout my loc journey that user results WILL vary!!
We all have different hair...different textures, different lengths and different needs when it comes to maintenance. Now as it would turn out, because of my texture, my first attempt at locs was with 2-strand twists because a loctician told me that it was the only way I could start...this same loctician also told me that she doubted that I would loc and treated my hair with disdain .
Those "locs" didn't last longer than 2 days and now that I think on it, I'm glad because I, literally, wouldn't have wanted someone with her attitude with a "hand in it". But that doesn't mean it was all her fault. User error played a big part in it too because I didn't know about the part that needed my "patience for the process". I ended up revisiting loc'ing 2 years later, armed with my new knowledge from scouring the boards here at Nappturality and I was much better equipped to begin the journey. Comb coils turned out to be a much better solution to loc'ing for me... Who would've known!! As for LilShortRib, palm rolling turned out to be a much better maintenance solution for her and she has a head of thick, bodacious locs!!
The moral of the story is that it is probably seldom that any new loc'er will walk out of the salon or away from their kitchen beautician or from in front of the bathroom mirror with the locs that they envision themselves having. It is probably even more rare that what looks good on or works for someone else's locs/lifestyle/maintenance will be the thing that works for you. We didn't come one-size fits all and neither did our locs... no matter how we begin them or maintain them.
Ultimately, to have the locs that you envision yourself with is going to take patience and practice and TIME. No matter what, with all of those ingredients, sooner or later we all go from comments to compliments .
ORIGINAL POST: https://www.nappturality.com/forums/threads/121557-Processes-Patience-The-Journey-User-Results-WILL-vary?p=2146088#post2146088
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