Nappturality has been online since 2002. Dedicated to all the women in the diaspora who proudly wear their highly textured hair naturally. Nappturality.com is the place to find photographs,, forums, information and links about the care, maintenance and politics of natural hair. Natural napptural hair. Here you will find photos of all natural styles, comb coils, two-strand twists, afro puffs, afros dredlocks (dreadlocks), locs and many other natural styles. Styled by natural napptural haired women on their own hair.


Blogs and stories written by Nappturality and Friends
Nappturality Forum Feed

Hey good people- it's been awhile

I started on this site years ago when we were still uploading fokti albums! I was Allsmiles1 back then and I've been locked for 17 years; happy to be back!
Original author: oh_sheena
  1853 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Hey Y'all!

I'm Apple and I've been natural for a little over 2 years. Most of that time, I've been stumbling around trying to figure the process out, and caused more damage to my hair as I went. I used to have BSL 4a/4b hair (with small sections that are 3c), but now it barely reaches the bottom of my neck. Basically: I'm here because I need to be around people who get what I'm going through with my hair.

A bit about me:

I love the color greenI'm from TexasI'm learning Spanish and a couple other languagesCooking is a major passionMy favorite hair treatment: butter. Or avocado and butter blended together with olive oil, banana and rosemary oil

I'm really happy to meet y'all!
Original author: AppleCore
  1476 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

I Think I Damaged My Hair

Alright so here's a little backstory before I ask my question.

I became a natural about 2-4 years ago and I found out I was a type 4. Throughout the years I really struggled to find out my curl pattern and my porosity as my hair looks matted, dry, and overall damaged no matter what I do with it. Recently, I decided I wanted box braids to grow out my hair so I washed, blow dryed and oiled it. The style didn't last long due to the fact that my hair was itchy, the braids looked loose but felt tight as if it was pulling at my roots, and my hair began shedding within the braids. When taken out, my hair got worse within the next week. More shedding, oily but itchy scalp, and matted strands. Currently, my hair is matted in the center, but straight on the crown/edges of my head.

Did anyone go through this problem? Do you have any products to use for wash day and styling? Your help is deeply appreciated!

FYI - if you see my profile pic/avatar, that isn't me I just don't want to show me on a public platform
Original author: lauren.
  2152 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Bleaching question, my scalp is now orange!

Hi all,

I had dreadlocks for 8 years, and just recently cut my hair. For the past few months I have been going to a barber to get my hair buzzed, but yesterday I cut, bleached and dyed my hair myself....Well let me tell ya..

I ended up having to cut ALL my hair completely off because the color came out wrong (like now I have none what so ever), but my scalp is still orange!
I thought within a month I would have enough hair again, and be able to go to a processional colorist! But now my scalp looks crazy though I have no hair on my head anymore. I have tried repeatedly washing it out, but to no avail. I thought I would revert back to normal, sans hair, but I didn't occur to me, my actual scalp was bleached. I used Clairol Professional Textures & Tones, 7g Lightest Blonde, Adorn Cinnamon, and Adorn Cajon Spice. Any Advice??

Original author: Mimi2022
  2307 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Maintaining loose ends with sisterlocks

I had sisterlocks installed a few days ago and love how then ends are a bit loose and frizzy. Is there something I can do to maintain this look and ensure that my ends don't lock?
Original author: Timor
  2936 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

New Naturalista!

Hey everyone! My name is Erica and I’ve been a full time natural for about 4 months now so I’m a baby in this game! I’m enjoying every moment of it but moisture is my biggest hurdle so I’m hoping to find any answers to my numerous questions about my hair on here! ?
Original author: ephelps
  1958 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Olaplex use with Sisterlocks

Hi! Has anyone used Olaplex for their colored sisterlocks? I recently got my sisterlocks colored (locked 4 years in July). I went to a colorist and because I wanted blonde she lifted my hair. It’s been hard and I lost half of a few soldiers in the front, thankfully not from the root. The colorist told me to use Olaplex weekly but I don’t wash my hair weekly! And of course when we wash, we use clarifying shampoo. At this point, I think I should use Olaplex and wash weekly with a moisturizing shampoo. It’s just a challenge for me bec I do not use product. Only a bit of oil after my retightening. Others have any thoughts? Thanks!
Original author: TamHannah
  2298 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Hair loss, thin hair due to depression, stress, thyroid

I m 30 years old woman and have the problem of thyroid dysfunction. due to this i feel sometimes down stressed , depressed .
massive hair loss im having. suggest me something.
Original author: potatogrill
  1500 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

hi everyone

I'm not good at writing, so I just want to say hello to all of the forum's members. thanks for having me here :)
Original author: Colinpow921
  1119 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Hello everyone

I am new here i want to be welcomes by friends
Original author: noman.jahangir
  0 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

My intro

My name is sheikh and i am looking for some healthy tips here
Original author: noman.jahangir
  760 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Stuck in a hair rut?

This COVID lifestyle has really messed with my hair routine! So ok I got kind of lazy - zoom meetings meant I could pull my hair back every day and not worry about wearing the same hair style day after day... Not being able to browse the aisles of the local beauty store and try new things, spending money on stuff I DO NOT NEED online instead of stocking up on my regular hair products.

On the upside, the daily headwraps and scarves, much less manipulation and more "leaving it alone" has meant a surge in length retention. And if you have been doing what I have been doing, you may be noticing more length as well.

I think we all need to do some pampering. Get back into the groove and get yourself a deep conditioner or mask. I wrote an article on pampering our hair and I am going to link it here for some ideas that can help you flick out of the hair rut you may be in.

Try a new style, buy a new product, do something completely different, or go back to your style roots. This journey never ends.

Original author: deecoily
  1084 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Alt Ways to Use Hair Masks

Hello all,

I recently asked my cousin what products I should use to help me grow my afro :D and she gave me a few recommendations. 1 product I invested in was TGIN Honey Miracle Hair Mask. But it recommends I use a dryer after applying it, I don't own one, I've seen people recommend using a plastic cap as well...which I also don't own.

To make a long story short I'm 25 and just now learning how to take care of my hair /:

Can I let a hair mask air dry, or should I wait until I go out and get a plastic cap?

Thank you,

Original author: Vante21
  1175 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Help Can any one help me with my hair type

Double post twice. posted with pic below
Original author: Meerah95
  995 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Help Can any one help me with my hair type

Hello everyone Im new to the group. I have not posted much. I am having problems trying to figure out what my hair type is. Is there any one here who could give me an idea so I can find what products work best for my hair . I normally dont like to post pics but im desperate to know my hair type. Any help would be appreciate. I took this pic last night after I had washed my hair before I applied any products I attached the pic below
Attached Images
Original author: Meerah95
  949 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Organic/natural hair dye

Hi there

Can anyone recommend any hair dye with natural ingredients? I'm wanting to color my hair in a burgundy color. Most of the ladies on YouTube use L'Oréal hair dye but it has a lot of chemicals.

Thanks in advance for the replies :)
Original author: Lexi240
  783 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Looking for a pic buddy

I am starting my love journey soon and just need help and questions I have ?
Original author: sugaplums
  838 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Super scalp oil????

Hey all my beautiful naturals!
im really big on jam packing my hair with nutrients so it has no choice but to grow. While doing my weekly googling for oils and herbs to infuse in the oils. I found this product that has an INSANE (almost unbelievable) amount of ingredients that live on my “saw on natural YouTube, maybe i should buy” list.
pumpkin seed oil
soursop oil
seamoss oil
black seed oil

I’m wondering if anyone has heard of this brand because baby!!!!!! I want these ingredients SIS! They seem to be just starting out, so i really need to know the tea, if anyone has tried them, as we ALL know how it can be sometimes. I tracked down their website and it’s ALREADY promising because it’s a .com haha
the website is www.IRLSKIN.com
i dont see actually skin products but they do say ‘scalp is skin’

I do have high hopes though. I hope to hear from you ladies ummm cus THIS INGREDIENT LIST CHILE!
Original author: Curlycoil
  843 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

The Best Type 4 Hair Wash Day Routine

I recently discovered the best and fastest way (that I know of) to manage type 4 hair, especially 4c hair like mine.

This routine is easy, simple and good for length retention.

I should have known it sooner but unfortunately, I didn't and many people don't do this.

No products needed-except for shampoo and oil.
No brushes needed or combs.


I've posted a video on my channel that explains the steps of this routine:

It's been life-changing for me, and I recently told my Mum about it and she liked it too and it looks like she will continue with it.
Original author: MargaretOla
  1163 Hits
Nappturality Forum Feed

Anyone here with stretched ears?

Hey Napptural beauties!
Am curious if there's anyone here on NP with stretched ears or is stretching their ears?
I am stretching mine. Both my grandparents had stretched ears and I want to have the same.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to post their thoughts....:D
Original author: uzuri
  1034 Hits

Nappturality Shoe 300 faded

Your Natural Hair is NOT a Fad

Wearing natural hair is not a fad. It is not a fashion trend. It's the natural hair you were born with. So why can't you wear it?
Don't believe the negative hype..

Daniella Cardoza2 Abigail Boyce KaTina Smith Walker3 Adrienne Lifeisgolden Skinner3 J LaKayle Jones2 Naiesha Howell Da OC Gema Ebanks Jagged Edge3 Nikki Poole Jagged Edge Khady Didi Sow Denise Billings Tracy Gary Destiny Hawkins Lysa Davis J LaKayle Jones3 Angie Knight2 Angie Knight Adrienne Lifeisgolden Skinner2 Ayesha La Vonia Boyd Nadia Newton Sonjia Murphy Jay Roge4 Raven Nacole Madison Gloria Obruche 1 Adaleia Coultman4 Frankie Monroe Cynthiakim1 Curley N Cynthia Simpson Betty Alexander McGriff Latanya Coverson LaCharla Figgs Lauren Foster Walls Trina Smith 3 Maya Mj James2 Katrina Stallworth Emmanuelle Key Dickerson Jay Roge3 Sharea Twymon Summers Kathy Terrell 4 Kayla Bush Lisa Amos Wilson Eiimariiee Rosee Lynn Ashley Erica Holmes Hale Bella Negra1 Shalari Drakes Jariel Deanna2 Monica Evans Frankie Monroe 2 KaTina Smith Walker Irena Shipley Hairbyjuanibless2 Monique Colon2 Cynthiakim2 Adaleia Coultman Bryanna Knight Jariel Deanna3 Nyree' Allen Queena Beenblessed Williams Hairbyjuanibless3 Andrea Cantrell 3 Adaleia Coultman3 Andrea Cantrell Bella Zambezie Talishia Robins Lakishia Brown Saundrea Arila Mendez Karmen B. Jones Jariel Deanna Notm Pressed3 Heeyy Jessie KaRen Brandi Murphy Princess First'Lady Briggs2 Linda Brown Campbell J LaKayle Jones Jay Roge Sonya Makeba Adey's Natural Hair Tips Monica Evans2 Jacqueline Parker Kathy Terrell 3 Adrienne Lifeisgolden Skinner Monique Colon KaTina Smith Walker2 Hairbyjuanibless5 Tamara Hinkle Moore Hairbyjuanibless4 Sheila Da She Serumula2 Melody Dark Ednasia Green Lekeytha Dukes Shaw Sasha Stoute Akeisha Antoinette Jeaninne Lorraine Gray Richeau Breland Kaleta Battle EJ Thompson Urecha Dunn2 Mysteek NaturalHair2 Divinity Starr Vicky Hightower Dominique Truthfairy Williams Watt Courtney Davis Heeyy Jessie2 Jariel Deanna1 Sasha Stoute2 Debra Chatman Solange Campos Cheryl Freemon Watts Leslie Blakely9 HairbyJuanibless Mysteek NaturalHair Essie Dodson Monique Wilson Princess First'Lady Briggs3 Notm Pressed Msincognito Shades Leslie Blakely7 Daphanie Brooks Jillijoy Holloway2 Monica Evans4 Carolyn Parker Jagged Edge2 Chenay N. Bryant Jewel Grant Frankie Monroe 1 Jillijoy Holloway3 Vanessa Agee Troya Sowell Sarah Moore MrsNohaterallowed Taylor Mary Wells Gilly Dee Angela Watkins2 Natanya Jones2 Cheryl Freemon Watts2 Andrea Cantrell 2 Urecha Dunn Nikki Poole 2 Talishia Robins2 Tonyelle Bennett Jazmine J. Boss Chelsea Patterson Sanders Emmanuelle Key Dickerson2 Toma Thornhill Selena So Blessed Mckibben Bokua Adwoa Bray Tammie Braggs Regina Ellis Livingston Tiffany Smith Jaunene Jones Raticka Scruggs Iman Whitmore ShaRon Hicks2 Maya Mj James Monica Evans3 Kaynisha Renee Martin KaRen JackSon2 Jennifer Bass Leslie Blakely8 Heila Da She Serumula 2 Princess First'Lady Briggs4 Solange Campos 1 Queena Beenblessed Williams2 Amanda Flowers Peterson Angela Watkins Diamond Mull Samantha Jordan Leah Prater Bokua Adwoa Bray 2 Leslie Blakely4 Mary Wells LaJoia Hamilton Daniella Cardoza Michelle Hudson Sylvia Randi Carroll Gloria Obruche 2 MrsNohaterallowed Taylor2 Princess First'Lady Briggs Natanya Jones Leslie Blakely Juanita Simmons Sarah Moore 2 Tiara Shinae Adaleia Coultman2 Leslie Blakely5 Miz Jones Kenita Mitchell Keia Parker Shekera Combs Chasity Williams Candace Montgomery KaRen JackSon LaShawn Leslie Blakely2 Shannon Bell Leslie Blakely3 Sophonie Bien Aime Ann Brown Leslie Blakely6 Nikki Poole Natanya Jones3 Shadi Shukuma Maepa Chara Harris Kimberly Montague Sheila Da She Serumula3 Gilly Dee Raticka Scruggs2 Yasmeen Cookngd Ali Brown Rhonda Littles Angela Watkins3 Tammy Mariano Trina Smith 2 Michele Washington Kennedra Tucker Kim Lewis Marenda Eison KaRen JackSon Sheila Da She Serumula Jay Roge6 Monique Colon Melinda IzsoDivine Jillijoy Holloway Tammie Elkerson Mcgill Sheila Da She Serumula Nicki Wade Star Bullard Trina Smith Kathy Terrell Alnita Reaves Vaught Iman Whitmore 2 Marilyn E Lowe Kathy Terrell 2 Raticka Scruggs