Nappturality has been online since 2002. Dedicated to all the women in the diaspora who proudly wear their highly textured hair naturally. Nappturality.com is the place to find photographs,, forums, information and links about the care, maintenance and politics of natural hair. Natural napptural hair. Here you will find photos of all natural styles, comb coils, two-strand twists, afro puffs, afros dredlocks (dreadlocks), locs and many other natural styles. Styled by natural napptural haired women on their own hair.


Patricia Gaines

People Like Me

The colonies of the United States of America were never meant to be inclusive Of people like me. The Constitution of the United States was not originally written For people like me. The Bill of Rights was never intended for People like me. Kidnapped, tortured, raped and enslaved was for hundreds of years was life in America for People like me....
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  783 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Facing Our Demons - The Shaming of Black Hair

Keeping our hands off other sisters' edges
I have written, spoken and posted about this for over 20 years now. About how we Black women are taught to hate our natural hair. But not only hate for OUR OWN natural hair, but other women and girls' natural hair. We can't seem to stop looking at our sisters' hair and reacting negatively. It's like when we see natural hair, we ...
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  1910 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Relaxer Damage Info

Nappturality does not recommend the use of chemical relaxers. The caustic nature of these chemicals burn and destroy hair. These chemicals are damaging, dangerous and in some cases, carcinogenic. Your edges will be the first to leave you. We understand that there will be those who continue to chemically relax and we have some advice for you. I...
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  1711 Hits
Patricia Gaines

"Coating" Your Natural Hair

Can a coating of Shea butter be as beneficial to hair as for skin? It sure can!  Coating your natural hair with product gets too much of a bad wrap. The truth is, natural afro type hair is not the same a caucasian hair, which gets weighed down and oily when too much of a rich product like shea butter are used...
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  8183 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Chebe Butters & Oils

Variety of nuts for grinding
There are lots of nuts that you can grind to create healthy oils and butters, from walnuts to shea nuts to apricot kernels. Nappturality has tried and recommends this rich, all around hair nut butter/oil for hair growth retention and protection: Chebe. I was having so much trouble with dry, thinning hair due to medication and hyperthyroid issues (p...
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  3227 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Changing Names of Ingredients

Do you check the ingredients when you are looking for hair products? You should. I have already written several articles about the dangers of certain chemicals and ingredients used in creating Black hair care products and which to avoid. You can find one here and another one here.  Always check the ingredients Watch out, some companies ar...
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  3601 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Sisterlocks on SCOTUS -- Representation Matters

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson swears Oath at Senate Confirmation Hearings
First, I got goosebumps first, then the tears came. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has made history. Her induction to the highest court in the United States brings with it the aspirations and dreams of Black women throughout the country. Not only from those of us who aspire to achieve greatness in the legal professions, but all of us. From the young w...
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  9136 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Musty Loc Syndrome- Freshen up your Scalp

Funky sour musty danky sticky loc scalp. You best get onto that before it gets out of hand. Not enough thorough cleansing of your scalp is going to cause this problem â€“but it's a mistake that can be fixed yourself, if you catch it early enough. I know I have written about scalp issues a lot. Like here, and here. But it's im...
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  53033 Hits
Patricia Gaines

The Diluted Natural Hair Sisterhood

I want to say something about the current iteration of the "natural hair community" and I am going to be blunt. Fractured -- that term came to mind because of all the splits into tribal factions on Facebook and other platforms. Maybe it's more diluted than fractured - or maybe a combo of both. Everything changes and evolves, sometime...
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  61531 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Tackling ​Congested Scalp and Hair

First, I need to explain what I mean by this term. It's not a medical term – nor something I found on the internet. Congested Scalp and Hair (CSH) is a condition I have found that happens with my own natural hair, and can cause all types of problems. But it can be reversed and prevented if you know how to do it. Remember back in the days of Bl...
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  62333 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Nappy: The Word Debate

A couple of times a year, this subject come around. Like a comet, it blasts through natural hair groups, discussion forums and social media. Is the word "nappy" good or bad? Should we use it or not?  20+ years ago it was unheard of to call yourself nappy. The word was that bad a connotation for hair. Also, 20 years ago it was rare to see a Bla...
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  85168 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Natural-Haired Job Applicants at a Disadvantage - New Study Shows

A new study conducted by Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, a management professor and a senior associate dean who conducted the research at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business, has been released with not-so-shocking findings: Black women with natural afro hair are less likely to be offered job interviews. This study detected bias against Black women ...
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  86271 Hits
Patricia Gaines

The Toxicity of Hair Shaming

You know, people have ALWAYS been up in Black women's business when it comes to our bodies, our hair. Too skinny, too fat, short, too nappy, too whatever. And you know what? Leave us alone. There is a trend emerging in this *new* nappy hair movement. Yeah, another one. And it seems to be coming from OUTSIDE our regular women-space. It's coming from...
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  82095 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Understand Shea Butter

We all have heard the benefits of African Shea Butter for decades. Centuries. And it has rightfully earned its place at the apex of nut butters. But what is it, where does it come from and is it for everyone? What is Shea Butter?  Shea butter is the fat that has been extracted from the nuts of the Shea Nut tree which is native to Africa and sp...
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  85302 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Curl Definition on Afro Hair

Challenges of Texture Definition
Curl definition really isn't the right term for use with actual afro hair. Afro hair is more tightly coiled that curly. Curls are a loose pattern. Afro coils are a tight pattern. So, I am going to refer to this as coil definition. STEP ONE: DETERMINE YOUR HAIR TEXTURE First, you need to HAVE coils for them to pop. Some of us don't have co...
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  86714 Hits
Patricia Gaines

3 Natural Hair Bloggers Reminisce About The Early Days Of The Movement

These hair bloggers shaped the discourse around Black hair and beauty.
by Tatiana Pile, On Assignment For HuffPost02/03/2020 09:00 am ET   What started as conversations on hair care forums evolved into a full-fledged online community over the last 20 years. Twenty years ago, Patricia Gaines had a terrible hair experience with a chemical relaxer and was left with extremely short hair. For decades, she'd used ...
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  98625 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Going Natural with Afro Hair is a Big Deal

Afro natural hair
This natural hair revolution has meant different things to different women. For some it changed their lives by giving them a reason to stop destroying their hair. For others it didn't play a big part but created a little sense of more freedom and acceptance. For me as Nappturality's founder – it became my life's work to help empower Black women by ...
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  100696 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Smelly Scalp Syndrome

You are in the car and lean over to grab something. When you lean back to your seat, you get a whiff of something, and it's not pleasant. It's like a musty, sweaty or sharp smell. Where is it coming from? What just happened? Repeat the motion, same result and now it hits you. It's coming from your hair! Or more likely, from your scalp. Smelly Scalp...
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  104264 Hits
Patricia Gaines

It's Not so Scary to Cut it Short. The TWA

Nothing, and I mean nothing – is as fierce as a cool, sharp and on-point teeny-weeny-afro. And I mean that. I have worn almost every style out there on my natural hair. And the one that gave me the most power, was my TWA. Choosing to keep it short has its challenges but if you can manage it, the TWA can turn out to be your best friend. But.... "I h...
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  111008 Hits
Patricia Gaines

Does Going Natural Stop with Just Hair?

For those of you who have been chemical free for years (or your entire lives), did at some point you transition to a more natural lifestyle like maybe switching to organic products or being vegetarian? Transitioners and newly naturals, do you plan on striving for a more natural lifestyle? I was just thinking about this today as I was washing my hai...
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  6657 Hits

Nappturality Shoe 300 faded

Your Natural Hair is NOT a Fad

Wearing natural hair is not a fad. It is not a fashion trend. It's the natural hair you were born with. So why can't you wear it?
Don't believe the negative hype..

Dominique Truthfairy Williams Watt Monique Colon Monique Colon Nikki Poole MrsNohaterallowed Taylor2 Adey's Natural Hair Tips Heeyy Jessie KaRen JackSon MrsNohaterallowed Taylor Emmanuelle Key Dickerson2 Shekera Combs Chasity Williams Sonya Makeba KaRen JackSon Tiffany Smith Sheila Da She Serumula2 Curley N Cynthia Simpson Kennedra Tucker Angie Knight Tammie Elkerson Mcgill Gilly Dee Carolyn Parker Trina Smith 3 Tracy Gary Tamara Hinkle Moore Leslie Blakely8 Marilyn E Lowe Sasha Stoute KaTina Smith Walker Leslie Blakely5 Bryanna Knight Toma Thornhill Raticka Scruggs Leslie Blakely7 Frankie Monroe Tammie Braggs Maya Mj James Richeau Breland KaRen JackSon2 Notm Pressed Abigail Boyce Bella Negra1 Queena Beenblessed Williams2 Courtney Davis Iman Whitmore 2 Sheila Da She Serumula3 Lorraine Gray Natanya Jones3 Kathy Terrell 3 Jariel Deanna Sheila Da She Serumula Gilly Dee Kayla Bush Candace Montgomery Leah Prater Sylvia Randi Carroll Kimberly Montague Nyree' Allen Ashley Erica Holmes Hale Leslie Blakely6 HairbyJuanibless Jennifer Bass Shadi Shukuma Maepa Kathy Terrell 2 Kathy Terrell 4 Jay Roge6 Natanya Jones2 Irena Shipley Alnita Reaves Vaught Raticka Scruggs Jillijoy Holloway Karmen B. Jones Angela Watkins2 Star Bullard Daniella Cardoza Nadia Newton Jay Roge Akeisha Emmanuelle Key Dickerson Rhonda Littles Maya Mj James2 Monique Colon2 EJ Thompson Bokua Adwoa Bray Jariel Deanna3 Jay Roge3 Adrienne Lifeisgolden Skinner3 Bokua Adwoa Bray 2 Shannon Bell KaTina Smith Walker3 Juanita Simmons Adaleia Coultman2 Angela Watkins J LaKayle Jones2 Divinity Starr Cynthiakim1 Chelsea Patterson Sanders Sasha Stoute2 Keia Parker Andrea Cantrell 2 Michelle Hudson Jillijoy Holloway3 Leslie Blakely9 Kim Lewis Nicki Wade Mary Wells KaRen Talishia Robins Monica Evans4 Mysteek NaturalHair Tiara Shinae Jagged Edge2 Iman Whitmore Adrienne Lifeisgolden Skinner2 Cheryl Freemon Watts Leslie Blakely3 Regina Ellis Livingston Adaleia Coultman3 Cynthiakim2 Betty Alexander McGriff Jillijoy Holloway2 Amanda Flowers Peterson Solange Campos 1 Lekeytha Dukes Shaw Raticka Scruggs2 Jay Roge4 Linda Brown Campbell Hairbyjuanibless2 Gema Ebanks Antoinette Jeaninne Kaleta Battle Da OC Urecha Dunn2 Jaunene Jones Debra Chatman Gloria Obruche 2 Cheryl Freemon Watts2 Natanya Jones Heila Da She Serumula 2 Heeyy Jessie2 Michele Washington Tonyelle Bennett Naiesha Howell Msincognito Shades Jewel Grant LaCharla Figgs Queena Beenblessed Williams Trina Smith 2 Jagged Edge Nikki Poole 2 Jazmine J. Boss Shalari Drakes Diamond Mull Andrea Cantrell 3 Sharea Twymon Summers Ayesha La Vonia Boyd J LaKayle Jones3 LaShawn Sophonie Bien Aime Leslie Blakely Sheila Da She Serumula Lauren Foster Walls Frankie Monroe 2 Tammy Mariano Kathy Terrell Lisa Amos Wilson Katrina Stallworth Adaleia Coultman Angie Knight2 Chara Harris Adaleia Coultman4 Sarah Moore Jariel Deanna2 Samantha Jordan Trina Smith Kaynisha Renee Martin Saundrea Arila Mendez Troya Sowell Melinda IzsoDivine Ann Brown Mary Wells Yasmeen Cookngd Ali Brown Raven Nacole Madison Gloria Obruche 1 Lakishia Brown Princess First'Lady Briggs3 Bella Zambezie Kenita Mitchell Marenda Eison Monica Evans2 Hairbyjuanibless3 Sarah Moore 2 Sonjia Murphy Jacqueline Parker Khady Didi Sow Solange Campos Daphanie Brooks J LaKayle Jones Lysa Davis Mysteek NaturalHair2 Selena So Blessed Mckibben Monica Evans Denise Billings Princess First'Lady Briggs Urecha Dunn Jariel Deanna1 Monica Evans3 Chenay N. Bryant Essie Dodson Daniella Cardoza2 Brandi Murphy Leslie Blakely2 Eiimariiee Rosee Lynn LaJoia Hamilton Frankie Monroe 1 Angela Watkins3 Talishia Robins2 Ednasia Green Nikki Poole Vicky Hightower ShaRon Hicks2 Leslie Blakely4 Andrea Cantrell Latanya Coverson Monique Wilson KaTina Smith Walker2 Adrienne Lifeisgolden Skinner Notm Pressed3 Jagged Edge3 Destiny Hawkins Princess First'Lady Briggs4 Vanessa Agee Miz Jones Melody Dark Hairbyjuanibless5 Hairbyjuanibless4 Princess First'Lady Briggs2