Yes. A healthy body grows healthy hair. And that is the most important thing you will read about your hair today. Back when "natural" first started to gain momentum, in the early 2000's and when Nappturality was just a baby, there were not many "natural" hair products around, and we were mostly making our own, with great success.
However as the movement gained in popularity, we saw the big manufacturers, no longer able to ignore us, jump on the "natural" bandwagon and start releasing their own "natural" products.
You may be amazed to learn that many of these products are almost EXACTLY THE SAME as their previously released products except for the addition of some kind of herbal extract or carrier oil. They just throw something else in and repackage the same stuff. Oh, and then they put a premium price on it because they KNOW folks are all searching for that miracle product that will turn kinky hair into curly hair.
And you know what? Hundreds of thousands of women fell for it and are still falling for it. Wasting money on products that just don't work.
Let me dispel a big myth for you, no hype, I promise.
1. Putting a cream/oil/lotion/grease/conditioner/mud/lotion/pudding/whatever on your hair will not make your hair grow faster.
2. Using concoctions of bull semen, horse fungicide and hoof treatments will not make your hair grow faster.
...actually let me stop here and say: there is NOTHING in this world that you can put ON your hair that will make it grow faster. Period. Unless you go to a doctor and get a prescription medicine to improve the growth/condition of your hair, (and even those don't always work for everyone) you will not speed up your hair growth.
Hair grows from the inside, not the outside and if your insides and follicles are not healthy, you can not grow healthy hair. Of course, genetics plays a factor in hair growth and tensile strength but you can improve things to their highest possible level for you, if you look after your body first.
Hair breaks due to (among other things) a lack of adequate elasticity. Read about that here: Natural Hair Elasticity. Improve your elasticity, reduce your breakage, retain more length.
If you really want to improve your hair length, condition and growth follow these tips:
1. Eat well - a balanced diet rich with green veg, fruit, nuts, legumes and vitamins.
2. Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.
3. Eliminate as many processed foods as possible from your diet.
4. Shield your hair from extreme UV and drying winds.
5. Sleep in/on a satin scarf/cap/pillow.
6. Don't use harsh shampoos.
7. Invest in a shower filter to wash your hair in better water.
8. Never use direct heat on your hair.
9. Stay hydrated.
10. And to help your hair on the outside, add a simple butter or cream pomade as an addition to your routine to help hold the moisture. Once you get an idea of what your hair responds best to, try some combination oils and experiment to improve your results.
That's all you need to do to see a change. So stop wasting your money on overpriced, unnecessary hair products and focus on your internal health first. I promise you will see a difference.